Jane Poller
Romance, Heat, Small Town, Military
Jane Poller read her way through middle school, and she swore someday she’d be an author. Romance books got her through countless life changes… moves, degrees, having kids, deployments, teaching high school, international living, health coaching, running a wellness business, homeschooling, and more.
She finally gave in to the characters in her head demanding their stories be told. The Crimson Creek series is a contemporary steamy small-town fictional series set in Texas, full of hot heroes and sassy women.
Speaking of which, she lives in Texas with her middle school sweetheart. He’s her real-life hero, an Army veteran, and the inspiration for her stories. When she’s not doing all the things, she’s reading and writing, or arguing with her characters, who refuse to do what she wants.
But that’s par for the course, as she’s currently homeschooling two teenagers and two dogs. Reviews really brighten her day and are much appreciated.