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John Ellsworth

John Ellsworth

Legal Thrillers

John Ellsworth

John Ellsworth

Legal Thrillers, Crime



John Ellsworth graduated from college with a double degree in accounting and English. He enrolled at Saint Louis University School of Law, after which he took the Arizona Bar Exam, scoring third out of 233 candidates. He received his law license and spent 30 years practicing law. John attended the University of Oregon's creative writing program and finished first in his class.

In 1996, John became ill and was forced to retire from law. The State of California deemed him severely disabled and placed him at the front of its rehabilitation line, asking what he would like to study or learn to support himself.

John expressed an interest in studying computers. He became a Microsoft-certified software engineer and traveled the world troubleshooting Intel installations.

After marrying and wanting to settle in one place, John returned to law.

In 2014, John retired from law and immediately began writing a novel about a young attorney named Thaddeus Murfee. Thirty-eight books and eight years later, John still writes for a few hours a day.

Today, John lives in the San Juan Islands of Washington State. Sailing, scuba diving, sailplaning, and gardening are some of his happy pursuits when he is not writing. So far, John has visited 94 countries and says he'll be happy when he reaches 100.

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